Medical Solutions Grants Teen’s Wish Through Make-A-Wish Foundation

News & Announcements

Omaha, Neb., May 9, 2023 – Medical Solutions, one of the nation’s largest healthcare talent ecosystems, has granted the wish of a teenager battling a serious heart condition, bringing joy to him and his family of five.

Brady L., 15, was born with hypoplastic left heart syndrome, which required three dangerous surgeries – the first two when he was just days old and the third when he was four.

Thanks to Medical Solutions’ partnership with the Make-A-Wish Foundation, Brady will fulfill his wish of traveling to Hawaii with his family. He and his mom, Lisa, joined Medical Solutions on Thursday, April 27, for a special company event, where the wish was announced to its nearly 2,800 corporate employees.

The presentation featured remarks by Medical Solutions CEO Craig Meier and Brigette Young, Make-A-Wish Nebraska president. A video featuring Brady and his story capped the presentation. Medical Solutions employees responded with rousing cheers and a standing ovation for Brady, with virtual event attendees sending along a flurry of well wishes.

He and his parents, along with two brothers, will travel to Hawaii this summer, for an all-expenses-paid experience.

“We want to thank you from the bottom of Brady’s perfectly replumbed little heart, and ours, for making this trip possible for Brady and the rest of our family,” said Brady’s mother, Lisa. “Continue doing what you do, to be awesome and to help make the impossible, possible for others.”

Hypoplastic left heart syndrome occurs in about one in 3,841 births in the United States. During pregnancy, the left side of the baby’s heart doesn’t form correctly, restricting normal blood flow through the heart. The condition requires multiple surgeries to re-route the blood flow because the left side of the heart is not doing the work that it is designed to do.

Brady’s doctors urged his parents to let Brady have as normal a childhood as possible. While they kept a close eye on his health, this meant letting him play outside in the dirt, wrestle with his brothers, and join sports teams. Brady and his younger brother played baseball and basketball; their older brother played football.

“From the beginning, we always knew his journey was a marathon, and not a sprint,” Lisa said. “While Brady has a congenital heart defect, it does not define who he is.”

The Make-A-Wish Foundation has been granting life-changing wishes for children and families for more than 40 years. With help from generous donors and more than 32,000 volunteers worldwide, Make-A-Wish has collectively granted more than 550,000 wishes for children in nearly fifty countries on five continents. Learn more at

Medical Solutions CEO Meier presented Brady and his family with his wish.

“We’re honored to have fulfilled Brady’s wish and to help him and his family create lasting memories together. Brady’s bravery and resilience is an inspiration to all of us,” said Meier. “That Brady chose to include his parents and siblings in his wish is yet another example of what a special young man he is. We’re proud to be involved with the Make-A-Wish Foundation and to play a role in creating a life-changing experience for Brady, his family, and other children with critical illnesses.”

Make-A-Wish Nebraska President Young thanked Medical Solutions for granting Brady’s wish, and for the company’s continued support of the organization.

“Whatever our Wish kids can imagine, we try and make come true,” Young said. “So, thank you for helping us continue our mission for providing life-changing wishes for children with critical illnesses. We are all truly grateful.”

Medical Solutions is a Blog Author for Medical Solutions.